Talk // CU*money: A conversation with Peter Koenig about money

Talk // CU*money: A conversation with Peter Koenig about money

During the lively conversation with Peter we covered questions such as:

What is ‘moneywork’?
What is the ‘normal regime’ and what the ‘natural regime’?
What keeps us stuck in the normal regime and why don’t we do what we really want to do in life?
What are the three types of projections onto money?
How do we reclaim that which we have projected?

Article // Why Money Makes the World Go Round

Article // Why Money Makes the World Go Round

Even if it often appears otherwise in everyday life, money is only one thing: a medium – physical or virtual – on to which we project, as if onto a neutral screen, our fantasies, desires, and insecurities. You may think this is a bold statement, given that you know for a fact you need money to pay your rent or mortgage, to buy food, to pay for your holiday. So, what do we mean when we say that…

Interview // On Purpose Summit 2020

Interview // On Purpose Summit 2020

In her interview with Hans Balmaekers from Get on Purpose, Nadjeschda speaks to questions such as:
– What is purpose?
– How is purpose connected to our values and how might we become aware of our values?
– What does purpose mean in a collective context and why organisation can not have shared values and purpose?
– Who defines the purpose of an organisation and how this relates to the principle of Source?

Article // May the Spoon be With You!

Article // May the Spoon be With You!

The outbreak of Covid-19 has clearly turned all our lives upside down. Most of us have come to terms with the new situation, but the quarantine requirements are not pleasant for anyone. We hear from many people that they feel lost somewhere in the tension between...