The scalable personal development programme to increase employee engagement in your organisation through self-reflection and social interaction.

CU*i is available for…

Teams & Organisations

Our blended learning approach combines online learning and social learning and can be scaled cost-effectively across your entire organisation.

Contact us if you want to find out how you can run CU*i in your team or organisation.

step 4 conscious rituals


Take part with your family, friends or by yourself and improve your relationship with your self and the people in your life.

Sign up to our newsletter to stay informed about future runs of CU*i for individuals, family and friends.

‘Culture eats strategy for breakfast.’

Peter Drucker

Our Approach

The CU*i programme achieves sustainable transformation through the combination of online learning and social learning.

Online Learning

Our online platform is accessible at any time from any device and:
  • hosts content in the form of videos, audios and scripts guiding self-reflection and dialogue
  • encourages micro-learning by dissecting content into small tasks
  • allows participants to study when it is most convenient for them
  • increases accountability, positive competition and communication

Social Learning

Dialogue and experimentation generate insights, shift mindsets and trigger new behaviours. CU*i promotes networking between all members of the organisation through:
  • weekly buddy conversations
  • regular team reflections
  • regular group video conferences with a CU*i coach

Four steps to transform your organisation

The CU*i programme is based on four steps that simultaneously promote individual and collective development:


Practice self-reflection to increase self-awareness.

Inner Work


Learn self-compassion to treat others with empathy.


Assume ownership to expand your circle of influence.


Engage in deep dialogue to co-create with others.

Why we are uniquely qualified to support you

CU*i is scalable

  • Engage your entire organisation: virtually simultaneously from 150 to 15,000 employees
  • Cost effective: include everyone at every level
  • Democratise access to high quality coaching content: stop investing in top leaders only, start investing in everyone
  • One consistent message: align all levels of your organisation
  • Gather and maintain momentum: involve more people for longer

Our content sticks

  • Make learning fun through thought-provoking and entertaining content
  • Create a shared language and deeply embed new mindsets and behaviours
  • Deep conversations become easy through our detailed worksheets for self-reflection, buddy conversations and team reflections
  • Cross-pollination between departments and timely coaching-support and through bi-weekly video-conferences with a CU*i coach
  • Transfer insights to behaviour by establishing new rituals.

We are experts

  • 25 years of combined experience designing and delivering personal development programmes
  • A team of psychologists and designers that delivers culture change programmes across the globe
  • Cutting edge insights from research in psychology and neuroscience explained in simple terms
  • State of the art adult learning methodologies.

What our participants say about CU*i

There is now a sense of WE that we never had in the organisation.

Today, I courageously address conflict while being more open to listening to others.

Our team became a safe space.

The buddy conversations enabled us to have radically different dialogue from the ones that normally happen in the organisation. I now trust my team.

My good intentions turned into actions. I am much more proactive than I used to be.

We now feel responsible for each other – because we care about one another as a person.

I am much more willing  to engage with colleagues that I once labelled difficult because I now understand better what drives them.

CU*i introduced me to important self-care rituals, which increased my wellbeing.

We are less afraid of looking silly or feeling vulnerable – which has resulted in more creative and interesting solutions.

* For data protection reasons we cannot divulge the names of our CU*i-participants. Do contact us to find out more about the change created in our clients’ organisations by the CU*i programme.

‘To be conscious means to be reflective, sincere and congruent in mind and body.’

Are you ready to become a Conscious Tribe?

Contact us for a demo if you want to find out how the CU*i-programme can help you become a Consious Tribe.

Read more about the CU*i approach in Nadjeschda’s book: