Conscious U helps you to

Become a Conscious Tribe

A Conscious Tribe is an organisation that is a flourishing collective that people want to work for, clients love to buy from and partners are eager to do business with.

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Organisational Transformation

What we do & how it works

ConsciousU delivers state of the art           blended-learning coaching programmes      that simultaneously further individual consciousness development and collective action learning.

Inner Work

Expand individual consciousness through practicing self-reflection, self-compassion, and ownership.

Big Picture View

Embed systemic awareness by   seeing success and well-being as interdependent processes relying on the success and well-being of others and the health of the planet.

Deep Relationships

Enhance well-being and mental health and creativity by investing in relationships and aligned action with others.

Conscious Rituals

Create momentum, incentivise positive behaviours, deepen awareness and prevent complacency by ritualising the right actions.

Online Coaching Programme

Re-invent Your Relationship with Money

The personal development programme that allows you to do what you love, with and without money through self-reflection and social interaction.

Understand your relationship with money to re-invent your life and business with CU*money.


The United Nations SDG Lounge with Nadja Taranczewski

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Watch videos of interactive workshops, enlightening interviews, insightful AMAs,  inspiring MoneyTalks and more.

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